Get to know us

BICRO BIOCentre Ltd. opened its doors in 2015, as an EU funded first biotech incubator in Republic of Croatia. In January 2020, BICRO BIOCentre was officially licensed as a scientific research institution.

BICRO BIOCentre operates through five different programs:

BIOIncubation and BIOFacility programs provide offices, laboratories, and consultancy for start-ups and established biotech companies.

BIONetwork connects biotech companies, start-ups, universities and institutes, situated, either locally in Croatia, or abroad. Networking is an essential ingredient for faster product development and commercialization.

BIOTransfer and BIOEducation programs are connected to our Central Laboratory’s specialized units: Microbiology, Cell biology, Downstream processing, Proteomics and Bioanalytical chemistry.
Our staff is highly specialized to design and manage the entire process optimization chain – from biomass production up to a final, refined biological molecule. We combine technologies (microbial and cell fermentation, downstream processing, analytical chemistry, proteomics, in-vitro cell lab) for advanced manufacturing and quality control of a product.
Additional services are listed in the Laboratories description (linked above).
BIOEducation is tailor-made for groups or individuals and provides hands-on training on topics like bioprocessing, protein and genetic engineering, analytical or preparative chromatography, molecular biology, proteomics. BIOEducation is a great source of theoretical and practical knowledge for scientist and academics, as it often focuses on solving typical day-to-day lab problems. BIOEducation also serves as a recruitment training for biotech and pharmaceutical companies, enabling new employees to develop the skills required by the organisation.

BICRO BIOCentre currently employs 20 people and we keep growing. Our staff is highly educated and ambitious, with 4 PhDs and 1 PhD students. Curiosity, innovative thinking and cooperation best describe our team, and if you fit the description please check our job openings. If you are interested in our services, please send us a request at